The Russian Partizan drone, which will be able to transport cargo weighing up to 1000 kg over distances of up to 1000 km, will receive 100% domestic components

by alex

Unmanned tests will take place in the summer

The ultra-short take-off and landing heavy transport unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “Partizan”, assembled entirely from domestic components, including a hybrid power plant, is planned to be released before the end of 2024. The launch of mass production is expected next year.

«We hope that by the end of this year there will be some decisions on the domestic engine. Our second car will focus on electric and hybrid powertrains. We plan to assemble a domestic hybrid electric thermal propulsion unit with optimal characteristics ensuring short takeoff and landing by 2025,” said the director of the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation named after S. A. Chaplygin (SibNIA) Vladimir Barsuk.

This year, developers will create several options for hybrid power plants based on a piston engine and a turbojet engine, and master the technologies of unmanned flight, electric propulsion and electric propeller blowing. The first copy of «Partizan» made of domestic materials, including avionics and avionics: “That is, this is a 90% domestic aircraft.” Currently they are changing the power plant and propeller.

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Second copy of «Partizan» will be manufactured with a domestic power plant. The electric power plant is manufactured by the research and production association «Android Technology», the power plant is manufactured by the Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering named after P. I. Baranov. The propeller will be designed by SibNIA employees.

We previously reported that the first flight tests of «Partizan» in manned mode were successfully completed. At the next stage, the load capacity of 1000 kg will be confirmed. In the summer he plans to conduct flight tests in unmanned mode.

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