The owner of an electric car encountered an unexpected difficulty when charging in the cold. The charging cable is simply stuck

by alex

This is what happens when the creators of charging terminals do not calculate the operation of their devices in extreme cold

A video appeared in China where the owner of an electric car is having difficulty connecting the charging cable because it has frozen and lost its flexibility. In such a situation, it is difficult not only to connect the cable to the machine itself, but also to accurately insert the charging connector into the port.

Владелец электромобиля столкнулся с неожиданной сложностью при зарядке на морозе. Зарядный кабель попросту «задубел»

An electric car discharges faster in winter or during cold weather due to the need to heat the traction battery and warm the interior and passengers. As a result, in winter you have to charge more often, but in severe frosts it is not always easy to do this.

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