The most anticipated game on Steam has lost most of its audience in a matter of days. Online The Day Before is rapidly declining

by alex

Once upon a time, many were waiting for The Day Before on Steam, but the version of the game that reached release turned out to be something else

The Day Before was released on Steam Early Access. It once topped Steam's list of most desired games, but something went wrong.

The current version of The Day Before is very different from what was promised in the trailers. The differences are not only in terms of graphics; those who played quickly realized that they were dealing with a game in the spirit of Escape from Tarkov, and not an open-world MMO.

The Day Before received a lot of negative comments reviews on Steam, and the players moved on to other things: on the first day, the peak online was 38+ thousand players, and a few days later the game is already gaining a little more than 9 thousand.

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After the launch of The Day Before on December 7, a sharp decline in online activity was noticeable.

The most anticipated game on Steam has lost most of its audience in a matter of days. Online The Day Before is rapidly declining

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