The first crash test of the $3,500 Apple Vision Pro headset has been published. It turned out to be quite durable

by alex

But still too expensive to risk

Reduced frame rate, Wi-Fi speed and screen dimming for Apple Vision Pro. The company spoke about a decrease in headset performance

It didn't take long before someone decided to put the Apple Vision Pro headset to the test. The author of the AppleTrack channel decided to throw the device on the floor and see what happens to it. 

But that's not all. To begin with, the author tried hitting the headset against the wall and corners in the apartment. Not very much — in much the same way that it can happen by chance. The headset can withstand such impacts, although it’s still not worth repeating. 

Опубликован первый краш-тест гарнитуры Apple Vision Pro за 3500 долларов. Оказалось, что она весьма прочная

Then there were falls to the floor from chest height, the height of the channel author, and even from a slightly higher height. Interestingly, the first to give up was the strap, which cracked close to the mount, but the glass withstood several falls. True, some of them were on the carpet, which is important to take into account. 

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As a result, the glass broke only on the eighth fall, and from a height that significantly exceeds the height of the average person. However, what is very important, only the outer glass, covering the inner glass and various sensors, broke. After dismantling the broken layer, it turned out that the headset looks about the same, and at the same time works great.  

Of course, as in the case of smartphones, someone’s device may fall dozens of times and not receive any noticeable damage, while someone else will be unlucky and their device will break after the first fall. Overall, however, the Vision Pro appears to be a very durable product.  

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