The developers of Baldur's Gate 3 created a special save for a fan that saved him from a critical bug. Larian service is amazing

by alex

Sometimes Baldur's Gate 3 may not work entirely correctly and tens of hours of progress are at risk

Baldur's Gate 3 is a large-scale role-playing game and sometimes it encounters technical problems of various sizes. A player named Lastion_Rabbit2888 recently found himself in an unpleasant situation and shared the story of a very productive interaction with the Larian Studios support team.

The fact is that he tried to beat Baldur's Gate 3 on the maximum difficulty . At a certain moment, he encountered a critical bug: the main character disappeared somewhere instead of his inventory, the character’s portrait and other elements also disappeared. Along with him, the victim lost important quest items and in general, to advance through the story of BG3, you need the main character to interact with NPCs, etc. He was already close to the end, which made this situation even more unpleasant.

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Lastion_Rabbit2888 had already begun to lose hope, but still tried to first turn to the community – they couldn’t do anything effective for him suggest, and then in support to the developers of Baldur's Gate 3.

He did not expect to receive a response, but unexpectedly Larian Studios responded on the same day. Someone named Victor asked for the save file and then forwarded it to the developers. A few days later, a representative of the Larian team reported that the developers had prepared a special save file for him – the character was restored. Now Lastion_Rabbit2888 can continue his adventures.


Cover by Larian Studios. Image source:

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