The boss of the Diablo franchise spoke in favor of a film adaptation of the series

by alex

The head of the Diablo franchise, Rob Fergusson, believes that a television series based on the game would be very welcome, but there are no plans yet.

The success of TV series based on the video games The Last of Us, Halo and the recent Fallout paves the way for similar manipulations with other franchises known to gamers. One of them is Diablo, the possible transfer of which is not the first time they have been talking about.

In an interview, Rod Fergusson dwelled on this issue in detail and his words are encouraging.

“Yes, I absolutely believe it can work. That's one of the things I love about the Diablo brand is that it has themes that you can recognize yourself in because it's Heaven vs. Hell, Good vs. Evil. I think this is something that can be transferred very well. You know, I would love to talk to you about something specific today. But from an idea standpoint, I think it could work. Yes, absolutely.”

Ideas for a Diablo adaptation have been circulating, but there appear to be no plans for it at the moment.

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Image credit: Blizzard. Image source: Games Radar

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