When natural intelligence is no longer enough: Google will connect AI to organize tabs in Chrome

by alex

New AI settings panel discovered under development

Google is now adding artificial intelligence-based assistants to a variety of its services, and it seems that the company's Chrome browser will not be left out. Enthusiasts took notice of the new settings section that Google is currently debugging for the browser.

The new section has not yet been activated without complex schemes available to developers, but enthusiasts have conquered it. The section called Advanced contains the AI section of chrome://settings/ai with new Compose and Organize tabs options.

Когда естественного интеллекта уже недостаточно: Google подключит ИИ к организации вкладок в Chrome

Once you have a certain number of tabs open, the Arrange Tabs button should automatically appear, allowing you to automatically sort your tabs. It is not yet entirely clear how exactly the sorting will work.

The Compose option is supposedly an advanced autocomplete feature. But with her, there are still more questions than answers.

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