The An-24 that landed on the Kolyma River has already been delivered to the airport

by alex

It is still unclear why the pilots missed the runway, which is very close

On Thursday, December 28, the An-24 turboprop of Polar Airlines was supposed to land at Zyryanka airport, but for some reason it did not work out: the An-24 did not land on the runway, but next to it – to the Kolyma River. However, the plane did not stay on the river for long: on December 29 it was towed to the airport.

Judging by the video and photos, one loader did the job. However, this required clearing the snow and laying a kind of road from the airport to the river.

Севший на реку «Колыма» Ан-24 уже доставили в аэропорт

The landing of the An-24 on the river is classified as a serious aviation incident, and a special commission has been created to investigate it. Let us remind you that there were 34 people on board the airliner, no one was injured.

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