Terraria has been set back 13 years in honor of the game's thirteenth anniversary. Update 1.1 is out again

by alex

The latest update is being prepared for Terraria, but in the meantime it’s possible to go back in time

In May 2024, the long-running hit Terraria celebrates its thirteenth birthday. The Re-Logic team traditionally celebrates the anniversary.

This “adolescence” of Terraria is celebrated with the return of update 1.1, i.e. you can roll back the game 13 years ago:

«You heard right – Terraria has officially entered adolescence. Don't worry, we promise we won't be any more moody or rebellious than we've always been! This time of year is always special for the Terraria development team. This is a time of celebration, but even more so – a time of reflection: about the path traveled, about what awaits us in the near future, and about what may be hiding over the horizon. It's very rewarding to know that our small team was able to release and support such a successful game as Terraria for all these years.

Even more humbling is the unwavering support each of you has given us over these thirteen years. Through the ups and downs that life has thrown at us—and all of you—your support has been the one constant we know we can rely on every day. In fact, we appreciate you so much that we gave YOU a birthday gift…

In honor Celebrating Terraria's 13th anniversary and building on the recent Undeluxe Edition, we are releasing Terraria 1.1 as a beta on Steam!

Immerse yourself in a world where hardcore mode was brand new and mechanical bosses were the “ultimate challenge” – look how far Terraria has come!“.

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Cover author: Re-Logic. Image source: steamcommunity.com

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