RGB RAM lighting is burning marks on video cards? Users have started encountering strange marks on their 3D cards

by alex

Traces remain from the backlight of the RAM modules

RGB backlighting of RAM can be harmful for video cards. At least for their appearance. 

RGB-подсветка ОЗУ выжигает следы на видеокартах? Пользователи начали сталкиваться со странными следами на своих 3D-картах

Several Reddit users immediately published photos of their video cards with unusual marks in approximately the same place. In the photo you might think that light is falling on this place, but in fact we are talking about scorched paint.  

RGB-подсветка ОЗУ выжигает следы на видеокартах? Пользователи начали сталкиваться со странными следами на своих 3D-картах

The reason was discovered quickly — RAM backlight. It is unclear whether the marks were due to the heat from the backlight or whether it was radiation, including in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, that damaged the paint, but in any case the effect is quite interesting. True, it’s not very clear why no one paid attention to it before, because RAM with RGB backlighting has been on the market for many years. 

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