Pre-launch preparation of the Progress MS-27 cargo ship is coming to an end

by alex

The author's inspection and knurling of the head fairing were carried out

At the Baikonur Cosmodrome, pre-launch preparations for the Progress MS-27 cargo ship are being completed. for flight to the International Space Station (ISS).

Yesterday, May 23, we wrote that the ship was connected to the transition compartment. And now experts have conducted an original inspection of the Progress MS-27. and performed a set of operations to roll the head fairing.

Предстартовая подготовка грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-27» подходит к концу

Already today, May 24, the cargo ship as part of the space head will be delivered to the installation and testing building of the cosmodrome for general assembly with the launch vehicle.

Предстартовая подготовка грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-27» подходит к концу

Launch of the launch vehicle «Soyuz-2.1a» with the ship «Progress MS-27» scheduled for May 30, 2024. It should deliver about 2.5 tons of cargo to the ISS: fuel, water and food for the crew, compressed nitrogen for the station’s atmosphere, stowage for experiments and scientific equipment.

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