Online trend turns into addiction? Valve asks users to stop snorting Steam Deck

by alex

“It’s a habit I can’t break”

Users of the Steam Deck game console have developed a strange hobby – sniffing the air coming out of the ventilation holes of the device, and then sharing their impressions online. The hobby turned out to be widespread and the manufacturer’s support service was forced to respond.  

There are entire discussions online where users say that they «can’t stop inhaling» the smell coming from the console vent while playing, and share how much they like that distinctive aroma – the smell of overheated plastic, almost a fruity aroma. For example, the author of the popular gaming resource Kotaku writes on his own behalf:

I'm one of those crazy people who puts the nose right above the «exhaust pipe» and inhale a strong smell every time they play. 

But it turned out that Valve wants users to stop having fun in this way. The screenshot shows how the support service responded to a question about the security of the «trend» – this may be unsafe for your health.

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Тренд в сети перерастает в зависимость? Valve просит пользователей прекратить нюхать Steam Deck

Very similar to a primary school teacher who politely but firmly advises children to stop sniffing glue:

As with any electronics, it is generally not recommended to inhale «exhaust fumes» your device. While there should be no problems with everyday use, direct inhalation of the console exhaust should be avoided. We understand that this may be a «meme», but please refrain from such behavior for the sake of your health. 

However, even the author of Kotaku is ready to sacrifice his health and refuses to stop:

This is a completely fair and logical answer. But I will ignore it. There's nothing I can do about it. The almost fruity smell of hot plastic that the Steam Deck emits after warming up, — It's a habit I can't break. I love it too much. I'm really sorry, Valve. Please dont be mad. (Also, please release a Steam Deck scented candle next Christmas!)

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