Nvidia is catching the wave. It looks like the company is going to release new AI accelerators every year or so.

by alex

At least this applies to the next generation after Blackwell

Nvidia looks set to take as much as it can from its growth in the AI ​​market, as quickly as possible. Apparently, she is going to switch to a yearly update cycle for accelerators for AI. 

Company CEO Jensen Huang said that a new chip after Blackwell is just around the corner. 

Well, I can report that there is one more chip after Blackwell. And we are in an annual rhythm. New processors, new GPUs, new network adapters, new switches, a bunch of new chips. And all this is great, it all runs under CUDA 

Nvidia ловит волну. Похоже, компания собирается выпускать новые ускорители для ИИ примерно каждый год

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That is, apparently, if earlier Nvidia updated specialized accelerators approximately once every two years, now it will do this approximately once a year. And this applies not only to AI accelerators, but also to many other products. True, not gaming ones. Nvidia didn’t say anything about gaming solutions, and we can hardly expect a more frequent change of generations here. 

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At the same time, it is not very clear how Nvidia is going to sell more and more new accelerators every year, given that this market segment is still much more inert than the gaming one.  

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