“It's a huge, huge problem,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman says people don't realize that AI will actually lead to massive layoffs soon.

by alex

And will replace many people

When Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI and co-creator of ChatGPT, was asked what he thought about how misinformation generated by artificial intelligence (AI) could influence elections, he shared his concerns about about how AI will become a real problem and lead to massive job losses.

«My main concern now is what, speed and scale of socio-economic changes may occur, and what impact they will have», — said OpenAI CEO.

He believes artificial intelligence could lead to massive job replacement and impact the economy. Sam Altman noted that many people will not think seriously about the current situation. GPT-4 still doesn't pose a significant risk to jobs, he said, so many have relaxed: “They think, well, we were too worried about it and it's not a problem.” I'm afraid that we just won't take this issue seriously enough in the future, and that's a huge, huge problem».

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«Это огромная, огромная проблема», — по словам главы OpenAI Сэма Альтмана, люди не осознают, что ИИ действительно скоро приведет к массовым сокращениям

Porn stars are nervous: the creators of ChatGPT and DALL-E are thinking about entering the porn market. Looks like Sam Altman was right in warning of massive layoffs due to AI

Advanced artificial intelligence technologies could impact approximately 60% of jobs in advanced economies, according to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) study earlier this year. Reportedly, nearly half of these jobs could be automated, which could lead to the massive job cuts Altman is talking about.

In an interview with CNBC last year, he said he was «a little scared» ChatGPT because this tool is capable of replacing certain jobs. While these tools can help people in their jobs, potentially helping them do more in less time, they can also completely replace people in certain jobs. Some company executives have confirmed that they have already replaced some jobs with artificial intelligence to improve productivity and efficiency.

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