In May, 360 cars will be assembled at the former Russian Mercedes plant

by alex

Final negotiations on this project will take place in Beijing next week

Yesterday, the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobiev, announced that the assembly of cars at the former Russian Mercedes-Benz plant will begin in May, and now Drom has published a detailed commentary from the general director of the holding  Avtodom& raquo; Andrey Olkhovsky.

«We are doing everything possible to launch the plant as soon as possible. Assembling the first batch of cars will start at the plant in May — 360 vehicle kits will be assembled. Now there are many factors influencing the non-stop operation of the plant. As for the technology partner, the final negotiations on the localization of components will take place at the automobile exhibition in Beijing», — said Andrey Olkhovsky.

Lada Ursus and Terum may be released as part of AvtoVAZ partnership projects

Drom, citing his sources, writes that it is not at all a fact that an agreement between Avtodom (it now owns the enterprise) and the Chinese partner will be concluded next week. Moreover, there are doubts that after the release of 360 cars, cooperation will continue. Here we can recall the joint project of AvtoVAZ and FAW to produce the Lada X-Cross 5, which stopped after the production of only 170 cars after the introduction of American sanctions against the Russian automaker.

Drom also notes that large-scale assembly, namely with the use of such a technological process, Chinese cars will begin to be assembled in Esipovo, does not provide economic benefits: the cars turn out to be even more expensive than those imported from China .

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