How NASA plans to use the $25.4 billion allocated for 2025

by alex

Artemis program, planetary exploration and final operation of the ISS

President Biden's administration has unveiled a fiscal year 2025 budget for NASA that focuses on investments in earth science, climate research and returning to the moon. The agency's request is $25.4 billion, a slight increase of $500 million over NASA's FY 2024 allocation.

One of the main components of the budget is funding for the $7.8 billion Artemis program, which includes the development of a small lunar rover and a large cargo lander. It also provides $2.4 billion for Earth research, including the development of the next generation of Landsat satellites with a budget of $150 million.

It also provides $5.2 billion for astrophysics missions and research, including $2.7 billion for the study of exoplanets and solar system planets. The budget also provides funding for the operation of the ISS until 2030, the purchase of a «space tractor» to deorbit the station and support commercial space stations.

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«The budget for research and other activities aboard the ISS is gradually being reduced to provide the funding needed to deorbit it», — says budget documents.

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