Generative Remove and Lens Blur have been added to Adobe Lightroom for everyone: what are these functions?

by alex

They work with the help of AI

Adobe is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in photo editing with new features in its popular Lightroom software.

We are talking about the Generative Remove function, which works on the basis of the AI ​​image generator Adobe Firefly. Users simply select unwanted objects in their photos and Lightroom takes care of the rest. AI analyzes the background, guesses what is behind the object, and smoothly fills the empty space. This tool is available on mobile, desktop, Lightroom Classic, and even the web version of Lightroom.

The second AI-powered improvement focuses on background blur. The new Lens Blur feature offers a range of presets, eliminating the need to manually adjust settings. Users simply select a preset and Lightroom automatically applies the blur effect.

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