Kicksharing “Yurent” has launched a user rating – for violating traffic rules and service rules, sanctions are coming, including blocking

by alex

This is internal information

Team of electric scooter rental service «Yurent» launched a user rating that takes into account data on violations of traffic rules and the service itself. 

It is noted that users themselves do not see this rating; this is internal information for the company in the client card. Violators will receive warnings; for repeated violations or serious offenses, users will face more serious sanctions — up to blocking in the application. 

«Yurent» receives information about violations from city administrations and law enforcement agencies, as well as through a support line where anyone can complain. 

Previously the team of «Yurent» introduced a new model of electric scooter with enlarged individual numbers that will be read by traffic cameras. The service also now offers users to take a short test on their knowledge of traffic rules before the trip. 

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В кикшеринге «Юрент» запустили рейтинг пользователей — за нарушение правил ПДД и сервиса грядут санкции вплоть до блокировки

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