Escape from Tarkov banned 33+ thousand cheaters in 2 months. Attackers troll Nikita Buyanov

by alex

The cleansing of the Escape from Tarkov world from cheaters continues. Battlestate Games reported a big catch

Battlestate Games continues to fight against cheaters in Escape from Tarkov. We recently talked about our successes over the past couple of months.

For the period from January 12 to March 15, 2024, more than 33 thousand cheaters were blocked in Escape from Tarkov (with the support of the anti-cheat BattlEye). As usual, the developers have published a board of shame, which can be found at the link.

Among the caught cheaters you can sometimes find “hello” to Nikita Buyanov, the head of Battlestate Games (on request “ buya” in the list you can find more than 10 attackers with characteristic nicknames).

Escape from Tarkov banned 33+ thousand cheaters in 2 months. Attackers troll Nikita Buyanov

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