Chery Tiggo 7 Pro Russian assembly will not be enough for everyone? Production volume of Xcite X-Cross 7 crossovers for 2024 has been revealed

by alex

Xcite X-Cross 7 risks being a crossover in short supply

Introducing the Xcite X-Cross 7 crossover today (Russian-assembled Chery Tiggo 7 Pro), Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov announced the car production volume for the current year: the company plans to assemble up to 25 thousand cars. On the one hand, for a brand just starting to produce cars, this is a lot, on the other hand, the demand for these cars is much greater.

According to Autostat Info, in January-February of this year, Russians registered 4059 Chery Tiggo 7 Pro and 4428 Chery Tiggo 7 Pro Max. That is, the estimated demand for Xcite X-Cross 7 — about 5 thousand cars per month. In this case, the annual production volume of cars can be purchased in six months. Prices and demand stimulation programs will be the deciding factor, but prices have not yet been determined.

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Chery Tiggo 7 Pro российской сборки всем не хватит? Раскрыт объем выпуска кроссоверов Xcite X-Cross 7 на 2024 год

«It will be produced in 6 colors, two trim levels, modern comfort and safety options are present in the model. We plan to announce the start of sales somewhere in late April or early May, and then we will tell you about the car in more detail. The price will depend on the market, price "fork" not yet, we will focus on the market», — said the general director of «Avtozavod St. Petersburg» Ivan Mironov.

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