Bulletproof, waterproof SUV with 351 mm ground clearance and a built-in drone detection system. This will be the newest Jetour T7

by alex

And this is not some distant concept

Today, along with the announcement of the Jetour T5, the premiere of another SUV of the brand took place, even cooler — Jetour T7. Judging by the description, the Chinese are planning to release a super-off-road model that does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.

Jetour T7 will receive IP68 protection and will be able to swim. It will receive a bulletproof and explosion-proof body, and a built-in drone detection system is also announced. The minimum ground clearance will be 351 mm (!), the rear wheels will be able to turn at an angle of up to 6 degrees.

Пуленепробиваемый, водозащищённый внедорожник с клиренсом 351 мм и встроенной системой обнаружения дронов. Таким будет новейший Jetour T7

Jetour T7 will be an electric car, it will be built on an 800-volt platform, which guarantees very fast charging. The super SUV is being touted as a «million-dollar model», that is, the price will be approximately a million yuan — approximately 138 thousand dollars. But if everything is implemented as stated, then Jetour T7 has every chance of becoming a hit.

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Пуленепробиваемый, водозащищённый внедорожник с клиренсом 351 мм и встроенной системой обнаружения дронов. Таким будет новейший Jetour T7

It is important to note that Jetour T7 — This is not some distant concept: the car will materialize as a production version in 2025.

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