Apple invested more than $10 billion in canceled electric car project

by alex

The project existed for about 10 years

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As you know, Apple has closed its project to create its own electric car. According to recent data, in just 10 years the Cupertino giant has invested more than $10 billion in this project. 

Data from The New York Times suggests that a number of Apple employees who were involved in this project were happy about its closure. The thing is that the project existed for a very long time, and during this time Apple changed its goals, management and work processes more than once. 

В отменённый проект по созданию электромобиля Apple вложила более 10 млрд долларов

A total of about 2,000 people worked on the project, and it was one of the first Apple projects that attracted so many people from outside. Among them were former NASA employees and people from Porsche. 

Apple has halved the Vision Pro supply plan (to 400-450 thousand units in 2024), - Ming-Chi Kuo

The team, of course, has achieved some success over the 10 years of the project’s existence. For example, it has developed a windshield that can display turn-by-turn directions and a sunroof made from a special polymer to reduce solar heat gain.

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