Alice, what's the matter? Yandex smart home users report non-working smart light bulbs, remote controls and voice assistant

by alex

Yandex is working on a solution

There was a malfunction in the operation of smart home devices from Yandex, as reported by RBC and TASS with reference to the company's press service.

Yandex reported that they are already solving the problem: «Some users have short-term difficulties in managing smart home devices via Wi-fi. Our specialists are already working to eliminate the difficulties».

Problems for users of Yandex smart devices began on the evening of December 12, as reported by users themselves on the Internet. According to the Downradar service, some smart light bulbs, remote controls, voice assistant «Alice» does not execute commands.

Problems are mainly observed in Moscow, but reports also come from other regions of Russia, as well as from Minsk.

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