A laser machine for processing parts of gas turbine engines has been created in Russia

by alex

Previously, blades were processed manually, using a file

According to the head of the Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky, the capital's developer of laser systems and equipment — company «Lassard» — On an individual order from the United Engine Corporation, he created a five-axis laser machine. It will automate one of the stages of gas turbine engine production — blade processing.

Usually, gas turbine engine blades are processed manually using small files, which slows down the production process; in addition, there is always a risk associated with the human factor. The new laser machine will help automate this stage and reduce the time for assembling gas turbine engines.

The machine is equipped with a solid-state laser of its own design, which allows processing the part in a 360-degree projection. The system makes it possible to automatically convert a 3D model of a part into a machine control program. The device runs on domestic software that synchronizes the operation of all five axes of part processing, laser and optical head. The company has already produced two such machines, Ovchinsky said.

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