“You can’t build in a building game!” LEGO Fortnite players quit due to restrictions

by alex

LEGO Fortnite launched on December 7, 2023 as one of three new game modes. In Minecraft-style survival mode, players explore new biomes and build villages.

But people with grandiose ideas about building large castles with rich interior decorations are starting to notice one big problem – restrictions on construction.

One Reddit user posted an image of Shogun's Castle in LEGO Fortnite, which was forced to pause due to construction restrictions. Building limits in LEGO Fortnite are unknown. Some players are reporting that the error is different in different buildings.

“You can’t build in a building game!” LEGO Fortnite players quit due to restrictions

“You can’t build in a building game!” LEGO Fortnite players quit due to restrictions

One of the users writes:

“I made a large castle with almost 30 rooms and interior. Planned to build a city around it, but then ran into one of the biggest embarrassments I've ever encountered in a video game. It turns out that the game can’t do what it was created for – build.”

Other commentators supported the author’s opinion, saying that also stopped playing the game due to construction restrictions. A month after the release of LEGO Fortnite, the developers still have not announced plans to change the building limit.

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“The building limit is discouraging. Every time I think about building a big structure, I get disappointed because most likely I won't succeed. I hope they find a way to remove the restriction.”

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