Xpanceo smart contact lenses at MWC 2024: XR, vision enhancement, health monitoring

by alex

Four Xpanceo smart contact lenses with different functions, shown at Mobile World Congress 2024, will be combined into one universal device in the future. This will happen when the company can develop sufficiently thin and transparent materials. So far, each of the prototypes demonstrates individual developments:

  • “Holographic” lens with augmented reality function
  • Biosensory lens with pressure sensor
  • Lens with nanoparticles to enhance vision (super vision)
  • Lens with transparent electronics

The lens with sensor is designed to measure eye pressure and warn the wearer about the symptoms of glaucoma. The “super vision” lens uses nanoparticles that should improve low-light visibility or zoom in images. However, at the exhibition, people did not insert lenses into their eyes – their capabilities were demonstrated on special platforms.

Умные контактные линзы Xpanceo на MWC 2024: XR, расширение возможностей зрения, мониторинг здоровья

Xpanceo's goal is to combine all these technologies into one universal lens. Development of the necessary materials and components is still ongoing, but the company hopes to begin final testing as early as 2026.

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Xpanceo plans to integrate a neural interface into the device – the lens can be controlled directly by thoughts. The list of monitoring sensors should include sensors for glucose levels, blood pressure, cortisol levels and others. The lens will be able to send a message warning against another cup of coffee if your blood pressure is high.

Nanoparticles will not only provide superpowers of vision, but also correct its diseases: strabismus, myopia, and the like. When necessary, the lens will dynamically change its own characteristics to always provide excellent vision.

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Умные контактные линзы Xpanceo на MWC 2024: XR, расширение возможностей зрения, мониторинг здоровья

Currently, the development of technology is hampered by the physical limitations of traditional optoelectronic materials. Xpanceo is currently designing new materials and miniature electronics, including with the help of artificial intelligence, which is performing well in the search for new materials.

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