Wildberries paid compensation for half of the burned goods. The opening of a new warehouse in St. Petersburg is delayed

by alex

It will start working in 2-3 weeks

The Wildberries company has already paid compensation to more than 50% or about 160 thousand entrepreneurs whose goods were in a burnt warehouse in Shushary.

As TASS reports, work with buyers continues at the moment. «Also, work is now underway with new shipments, which will be redirected to other warehouses, logistics is being restructured so as to deliver orders to customers in the same time frame as before», — said the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Victor Evtukhov.

A week ago it was announced that the new areas of the sorting center in St. Petersburg will start operating within two weeks (that is, in a week, if you count from January 22). However, it is now reported that the new Wildberries distribution center in St. Petersburg will open within two to three weeks.

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«Now work is underway with new shipments, which will be redirected to other warehouses, logistics is being restructured so as to deliver orders to customers within the same time frame as before. Well, and besides, within two or three weeks in St. Petersburg, as far as I know, a new sorting center of this company should open, which will accept goods from entrepreneurs of the North-West region, — said Evtukhov.

Previously it became known that Wildberries is offering owners of burned goods in a warehouse in Shushary to refuse compensation.

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