The teenager broke 6 world records in Tetris on the NES – and received a cash prize as the first player with 10 million points

by alex

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Подросток побил 6 мировых рекордов в Tetris на NES — и получил денежный приз, как первый игрок с 10 млн баллов

Подросток побил 6 мировых рекордов в Tetris на NES — и получил денежный приз, как первый игрок с 10 млн баллов

The previous record, set in Tetris NES last year, was 6, 8 million points, but 15-year-old Alex Tach now has 16.7 million points.

Overall, Alex broke at least six world records in the game during March and April of this year, Tom's Hardware reports. He surpassed the 10 million point mark twice with a high score of 16.7 million points, earning several thousand dollars, and also surpassed the previous record of player Blue Scuti, reaching level 157 (first with one line, and then with six).

Despite his young age, Alex can be considered a “veteran” of the Tetris game. He became famous when he was recognized as the youngest person in the world to reach the maximum on the NES Tetris scoreboard (scoring over 999,999 points) when he was only 11 years old.

March 2024 turned out to be the most productive for Alex – he was probably inspired by the achievement of Blue Scuti (the first of its kind in 34 years since the game launched), or the $2300 prize pool that the previous record holder earned.

Since Alex set records in the modified game, of course, there was some controversy. Therefore, the guy quickly repeated the record in the original version, Games Radar reports. The teenager’s efforts can be appreciated in the video:

  • The original Tetris was developed in 1984, and the most popular classic version was released on the 8-bit NES console in 1989. There is still an active community of players that holds competitions and records achievements.
  • In 2011, player Thor Akerlund reached level 30 by vibrating his fingers in a special way – after which the “hyper tapping” technique became generally accepted. The player's record stood for seven years until Joseph Sali reached level 31 in 2018, and then broke his own record several times, reaching level 35 in 2020.
  • A big update to Tetris NES players' arsenal came in 2020 when player Cheez introduced the “rolling” technique. Vibrations on the bottom of the controller made it possible to press buttons twice as fast as the fastest hypertapper. Gamers gained much more control, making level 29 passes much more frequent. Thanks to the new method, Cheez player reached level 40 in 2021, and EricICX reached level 95 in 2022.
  • It’s interesting that after level 138 the colors of the blocks can become confused and make them invisible against the general background. These visual headwinds slowed the climb to higher levels in the 2020s, but PixelAndy still reached level 148 in November 2023. And it was this record that was broken by Blue Scuti, and then by Alex Touch.
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The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

Подросток побил 6 мировых рекордов в Tetris на NES — и получил денежный приз, как первый игрок с 10 млн баллов

Подросток побил 6 мировых рекордов в Tetris на NES — и получил денежный приз, как первый игрок с 10 млн баллов

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