SUAS Aerospace attracts €5 million investment for spaceport construction: new space center will allow the country to become a leader in European space launches

by alex

Ireland was chosen by experts as an ideal place to build a spaceport

Irish company SUAS Aerospace announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds in the amount of 5,000,000€ to expand its activities and build a cosmodrome. The spaceport is designed to facilitate orbital and suborbital launches of rockets to deliver small satellites to polar orbits.

This decision was preceded by a feasibility study carried out by the British firm B2Space, which showed that Ireland was one of the best places in Europe to build a spaceport in accordance with the requirements of safety, launch range and flight path.

One of Ireland's key advantages is its climate, which is favorable for satellite launches. The current shortage of commercial satellite launch sites in Europe makes the country even more attractive for the development of the space industry.

SUAS Aerospace plans include putting the cosmodrome into operation by 2027. It is expected that in the first year of operation of the cosmodrome, up to 48 launches will be carried out, and the projected income will exceed 70,000,000€.

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The company also plans long-term development of the space center in Ireland, including the construction of a large aviation complex, with launch pads, an integration complex, a control center and a visitor center.

SUAS Aerospace CEO, Rory Fitzpatrick, stressed that the construction of the spaceport will give Ireland the opportunity to claim a leadership role in the European space sector. He also noted that such an initiative could encourage young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and to realize themselves — within a local company.

SUAS Aerospace is currently headquartered at the National Space Center in Cork. The company was established in 2019 with the support of Enterprise Ireland and has already successfully attracted investments in the amount of 1,100,000€.

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