Steam has set a new online record. Valve enters 2024 with impressive service achievement

by alex

Steam continues to gradually gain momentum. Previous impressive indicators turned out to be far from the limit of the Valve service, which recently managed to reach new heights

2024 starts off with an impressive achievement for Steam. The Valve service has once again set a record for peak online activity.

Judging by SteamDB data, online on Steam reached 33,675,229 users, at the time of setting the record there were about 10.6 million users were in various games available on the service.

Steam has set a new online record. Valve enters 2024 with impressive service achievement

One of the previous Steam records also fell on the winter holidays, then the online counter slightly exceeded the mark of 33 million people, and then in March 2023 they managed to reach a new height – 33.59 million, this result lasted until January 7, 2024 years.

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Steam has set a new online record. Valve enters 2024 with impressive service achievement

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