“Removing this feature was a bad move,” “It's really a regressive move,” Android 14 users unhappy with Google removing popular alerts feature

by alex

But there seems to be no hope

Smartphone users who received the update to Android 14 were faced with the absence of a familiar and very popular function. Previously, long-pressing the pupil on the home screen would quickly display app notifications, but in Android 14, long-pressing the icon no longer displays notifications.

This feature of Android 14 was noticed during beta testing. After the stable version began to be distributed in October, more and more users realized the lack of the usual feature and the number of complaints in the Google Issue Tracker service increased sharply.

«Удаление этой функции было плохим шагом», «Это действительно регрессивный шаг», — пользователи Android 14 недовольны тем, что Google убрала популярную функцию оповещений

One comment said: “Why did you remove such a useful feature? This is truly a regressive step.” In another: “I want to express my disappointment: this function was very useful! Are there any plans to bring her back?” Another Android user expressed his dissatisfaction, writing: “Removing this feature was a bad move. It improved the visibility of notifications and was extremely intuitive. Please provide feedback to reverse this decision. This was definitely a rash move, especially for productivity-oriented users.”

Almost 100 million users store data in the Google One cloud, - Sundar Pichai

However, there seems to be no hope for the return of the option. At least what happened is not a software glitch or error. Google made the change quite consciously and intentionally. A Google employee has already notified complaining users:

Thanks for reporting this issue. We have looked into the issue you reported and would like to report that everything is working as intended. The feature was removed in the latest update.

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