Moskvich plans to start producing Chinese cars of a new brand. Negotiations have been ongoing since 2023

by alex

Products of some companies are not represented on our market

Plant «Moskvich» is looking for a second eastern partner with whom he can work in parallel with JAC, as RBC writes with reference to an interlocutor at KamAZ and another source familiar with the company’s plans.

«The issue is at the negotiation stage. They are ongoing with several companies, some of which are not yet present on the Russian market», — stated the publication's interlocutor. The plant began searching for a new partner last year.

In 2024 «Moskvich» plans to produce 22 thousand cars, while the plant can produce up to 180 thousand cars annually, so they plan to load the site more heavily.

Part of the capacity will be given over to the Russian Atom, which is being developed by the Kama company. However, in the first year the plant plans to produce only about 5 thousand «Atoms».

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In 2025 they plan to produce 35 thousand “Muscovites”, and the total number of cars should be 40 thousand units.

If a partner is not found, then «Moskvich» the special investment contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade will have to be adjusted and localization will have to be postponed to a later date.

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