More than half of the owners of flagship smartphones in Russia believe that the future belongs to Chinese manufacturers. These are the results of the Honor survey

by alex

The brand is unimportant for a third of respondents

The Honor company has published the results of a survey of Russians regarding their commitment to brands that produce smartphones. It turned out that the brand is not important to many. 

Honor surveyed more than 1,000 smartphone users aged 14 to 59 years, and we are talking about owners of flagship smartphones, which is even more revealing.  

The report says that 36% of users think about the brand last, although this is subject to a balance between the cost of the device and its capabilities. However, this approach is more often characteristic of older users, while young people are still more dependent on brands. 

For many Russians, battery capacity and autonomy are very important criteria (31% and 24%, respectively). The amount of RAM is also why it seems important to people — 30% of respondents stated this. But regarding flash memory, there is a strong division by age: for young people this is not particularly important (21%), but for the older generation it is very important (38%).  

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The fourth place in the list of the most important aspects was taken by the stability of the OS, no matter what this implies.  

According to the survey, the share of Russians who declared a positive attitude towards Chinese smartphones (7 or higher points out of 10) was 63% — This is the highest result among all product categories. In 10 years, many prejudices have disappeared. Every year, product quality destroys established stereotypes — Only 8% of respondents remain distrustful. More than half of the owners of premium devices (50.4%) believe that the future belongs to Chinese manufacturers. 

Separately, it can be noted that there are those who, on principle, will not buy anything from a new or relatively new brand. When choosing devices, 13% of respondents will pay attention only to those that have been on the market for decades. 

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