In “Mail”, “Notes”, “Calendar” and “ Cloud” they launched neural networks for a variety of tasks

by alex

The most popular functions were the functions of briefly retelling a letter and generating congratulations using AI

The VK company (formerly Group) announced the launch of open beta testing of generative neural networks for all users of services. At the closed testing stage, more than a million users have already been able to try the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

A brief retelling of letters in «Mail» and generation of congratulations in «Calendar» became the most popular features. They were used by 47.8% and 33.4% of neural network users, respectively. They help users collect a short retelling of the incoming message, highlighting the main thing, and create a text of congratulations on the upcoming holiday. Most often, new features were tested by owners of smartphones with iOS — more than 52%.

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В «Почте», «Заметках», «Календаре» и «Облаке» запустили нейросети для самых разных задач

In order to start working with the neural network, you need to go to the «Mail» application. or «Calendar», or open «Cloud» or «Notes» in the browser and find the generation sign.

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