Human Horizons, the manufacturer of avant-garde electric vehicles HiPhi, is stopping production for six months and stopping paying salaries to employees.

by alex

Futurism that was not appreciated

Rumors about financial problems of Human Horizons – manufacturer of avant-garde HiPhi electric vehicles, which are also sold in Russia – turned out to be more than just rumors: the company today announced the cessation of car production for six months.

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All employees of the company will be paid wages until February 18 inclusive. After this, only employees of the head office in Shanghai will retain their salaries. The company said it will now make adjustments to production and operational activities «to cope with internal and external challenges».

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Earlier, Chinese media reported that Human Horizons was experiencing financial problems: the company delayed salaries to its employees for January 2024, also canceled bonuses and reduced salaries for top managers.

The most famous car is Human Horizons – HiPhi Z. This competitor to the Porsche Taycan, Audi e-tron GT and Tesla Model S debuted in 2022 and went on sale in 2023. HiPhi Z attracts attention with its very unusual avant-garde design, but in terms of technical capabilities it can hardly be called advanced. The Chinese media believe that this is the whole problem of Human Horizons: in China over the past year many machines have appeared that, although not so futuristic, are in no way inferior to HiPhi machines in equipment or characteristics, and cost less.

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