From 2 cores at 3.4 GHz to 24 cores at 5.8 GHz. Specifications confirmed for 12 14th generation Intel Core processors (with TDP 35-65 W)

by alex

The official premiere of the line will take place at CES 2024 in early January

An insider known on Twitter under the nickname momomo_us has published a list of upcoming 14th generation Intel Core processors with their characteristics. The table shows CPUs that do not support overclocking, with TDP from 35 to 65 W.

The list includes 12 processors, basic – dual-core Intel 300T with a frequency of 3.4 GHz, top-end – Core i9-14900 with 24 cores and a frequency of 5.8 GHz.

От 2 ядер с частотой 3,4 ГГц до 24 ядер с частотой 5,8 ГГц. Подтверждены характеристики 12 процессоров Intel Core 14 поколения (с TDP 35-65 Вт)

Recall that the 14th generation Intel Core CPUs use the same process technology and the same architecture as the 13th generation Intel Core. In the new line, the frequencies were only slightly increased, and the Core i7-14700 (F) additionally received 4 small (energy-efficient) cores. It may be noted that Intel also abandoned the designations Pentium and Celeron – Instead, the Intel 300 model appeared in two versions.

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momomo_us previously published data about new CPUs, video cards and motherboards many times before, and this data was subsequently confirmed.

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