Baldur's Gate 3 for Xbox couldn't fit onto 3 discs. Larian lacked several hundred megabytes and needed another disk

by alex

Baldur's Gate 3 is an impressive game in every sense. For the hit Larian had to prepare several discs

The creators of Baldur's Gate 3 will still release the game on 4 discs. Previously, there was intrigue in the air: there will be 4 discs, or it will still be possible to fit the game on 3 discs. They couldn’t: 500 megabytes were not enough. The only solution was to cut the content, which was considered “pointless.”

In the end, it was decided that Baldur's Gate 3 for Xbox would be released on four discs. There is no such “disk problem” on PC, as players are encouraged to download the game via Steam. In the case of the PlayStation 5, they were able to fit the game on two discs.

The strategy of bringing PlayStation exclusives to PC is working. Sony shows strong performance on Steam

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