Back in the days of Windows 98, Microsoft had a USB death cart to test the OS's durability.

by alex

Windows often failed to cope

Microsoft once had a USB death cart in its laboratory for testing Windows strength.

Programmer Dave Plummer, known among other things for the fact that at one time he took an active part in the creation of the Windows task manager, Windows Pinball, Calc and ZIP, spoke about a very interesting device that he and his colleagues used to working on Windows 98.

At that time, the USB interface had just appeared, and Microsoft was actively working on its integration into the OS. USB, as an open standard, made it possible to connect a huge number of different devices, including simultaneously, and it all had to work fine. Therefore, Microsoft created what they themselves called the USB Cart of Death. It was a converted office cart with a large variety of USB devices installed on it. There were three mice, four keyboards, printers, drives, various peripheral devices, several hubs, including those connected in series. In total there were about 64 devices connected together. The whole thing was crowned with a gaming steering wheel, with the help of which the operator of the cart could control it.

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And all this was created with the goal of loading Windows as much as possible.

You plugged this plug into the test machine and the entire USB infrastructure went crazy. The usual result of this was a blue screen

The cart was connected in a variety of ways. Sometimes just once, and sometimes it was connected for a few seconds, during which the system did not yet have time to understand all the splendor of the cart’s internal kitchen, and then it was turned off. And then they repeated the process.

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