AI bot GigaCode has become available to programmers outside of Sber – automatic generation and addition of code in different languages

by alex

The solution supports more than 15 programming languages

The SberBank team has opened early access to a personal AI programming assistant for developers. As the press service notes, GigaCode helps in real time to generate the most likely continuations of a code fragment directly in the development environment. 

The solution supports more than 15 programming languages ​​(Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C/C++ and others), and is also compatible with many popular editors and integrated development environments (IDEA, PyCharm, VSCode, Jupyter and others ). Other functions of the service include: advanced code generation, semantic search by code, search for certain types of vulnerabilities, and much more.

GigaCode is developed based on GigaChat artificial intelligence. «Under the hood» GigaCode contains neural network models that are trained on large blocks of source code and specialize in certain development tasks. You can apply for early access to the service on the website

The first Evolute hybrid is called i-Space

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