A real cash cow for AMD. The company is preparing new-old processors in the form of the Ryzen 5000XT line

by alex

Probably these are the same Ryzen 5000, only with a slight increase in frequencies

AMD is not going to forget about the Ryzen 5000 line of processors, despite the fact that Ryzen 8000 (or Ryzen 9000) are expected this year. In China, the company announced the imminent launch of the CPU Ryzen 5000XT. 

The company did not disclose any details and did not indicate specific models. But previously, AMD's XT models were only slightly overclocked CPUs from the main line. That is, from the Ryzen 5000XT you should expect the same as from the regular Ryzen 5000, only with a slight increase in frequencies. 

Настоящая дойная корова AMD. Компания готовит новые-старые процессоры в виде линейки Ryzen 5000XT

Thus, owners of the AM4 platform will not receive anything radically new, but if someone switches from the conventional Ryzen 3000 to Ryzen 5000, he will be able to buy an even slightly more powerful version.  

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