A player in Baldur's Gate 3 accidentally made the boss so stupid that he died

by alex

Baldur's Gate 3 is full of non-obvious mechanics and their combinations, so you can solve the problem in the most unexpected way

PengusKing was playing Baldur's Gate 3 and encountered a boss. He was able to solve the problem with the Steel Guard in a very creative way (and unexpectedly for himself)

In Baldur's Gate 3, the rules of D&D 5e work: a character has several characteristics and if bring one to zero, then the victim dies. PengusKing unknowingly took advantage of this feature.

The fact is that his target (titanium) had only 6 units of intelligence, and the player was just absorbing him (Absorb Intellect) and later a few moves later it was all over – the boss died, although 100+ health remained. So PengusKing made a discovery.

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