A fighter against the agenda in games on Steam became a star of the Valve service and collected tens of thousands of subscribers in a matter of days

by alex

Sometimes specific elements are added to modern games. It often happens that specialists from Sweet Baby Inc. have a hand in such projects. One enthusiast got fed up with this and decided to take action.

Steam users recently discovered a “Curator” page. The enthusiast was tired of modern trends in games, which experts from the company Sweet Baby Inc. are helping to implement.

He created a page on Steam called “Sweet Baby Inc detected”, where he drew attention to projects that Sweet Baby Inc. has worked on. The first publications date back to the beginning of January 2024, but this curator gained wide popularity in the last week, when he was noticed on the Reddit forum and in the media.

In a matter of days from 5 -10 thousand subscribers curator Sweet Baby Inc detected has grown to 90+ thousand. There is also a group of the same name “Sweet Baby Inc detected” on Steam, where there are about 37 thousand participants and active discussions are underway.

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It seems that in the gaming community (and in particular on Steam) there has been a fairly large demand for such a person who warns about the presence of an “agenda” in video games. The activity of an enthusiast allows you to take a more conscious approach to making purchases, not to support hateful things and the activities of Sweet Baby Inc.

A fighter against the agenda in games on Steam became a star of the Valve service and collected tens of thousands of subscribers in a matter of days

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