The new Battlefield has lost its development director. Fans started burying the next game long before release

by alex

It looks like the emotional rollercoaster of the next Battlefield is already underway. The project has lost a valuable specialist, and someone is already in a hurry to put an end to the future of the franchise

As it turns out, there are already major changes in the team for the upcoming Battlefield. One of the creators of Halo leaves Electronic Arts.

Marcus Lehto decided to leave EA, he led the Ridgeline Games studio and was responsible for the next part of the Battlefield series.

Lehto did not last very long at Electronic Arts: the specialist was hired in October 2021 and left in February 2024. The reasons for his departure are currently unknown.

After the horrendous release of Battlefield 2042, which featured spectacular bugs and questionable creative decisions, many players are distrustful of DICE, Electronic Arts and the franchise as a whole (although the game was eventually thoroughly reworked, but still serious a “sediment” remains from what happened).

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In this regard, the Battlefield community is very negative about the next game in the series and is already “burying it.” They build a picture in their head like: EA is making Battlefield very bad again, and Lehto left now because he didn’t want to be part of dice/EA, who are guided by the principle “greed [monetization, earnings, etc.] comes first, and gameplay — secondary.

The new Battlefield has lost its development director. Fans started burying the next game long before release

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