The average mobile Internet speed in Moscow has more than doubled over five years, according to TelecomDaily

by alex

It is 63.2 Mbit/s

General Director of the information and analytical agency TelecomDaily Denis Kuskov said that over five years the average speed of mobile Internet in Moscow has doubled.

«Here we have highlighted separately the successes that can be viewed in Moscow. Over the past five years, the speed has almost doubled — from 31 Mbit/s to 63.2 Mbit/s»,— said Kuskov, referring to TelecomDaily research data made using the «Megabitus» application.

He added that the average speed in Russia today is about 23 Mbit/s. In recent years, speeds have increased noticeably in various cities, including St. Petersburg, Omsk and Yekaterinburg.

This is more than enough for watching high-definition videos, making some presentations, any actions that are currently available to any user.

Denis Kuskov

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