Scientists have developed an ultra-thin battery for smart contact lenses that can be charged with tears

by alex

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Ученые разработали ультратонкий аккумулятор для умных контактных линз, который можно заряжать слезами

Ученые разработали ультратонкий аккумулятор для умных контактных линз, который можно заряжать слезами

Scholar Lee Seok-woo from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University said , that a scene from the movie “Mission: Impossible” inspired his invention – batteries for smart contact lenses. In the fourth film in the series, the agent wears contact lenses that can recognize faces and monitor eyes. Lee wanted to make this lens a reality.

Lee realized that smart contact lenses would require safe and compact batteries, which would be critical to the progressive development of these devices. Lee and his team have invented a battery that can be powered by a biocompatible saline solution as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries, which contain flammable materials.

Ученые разработали ультратонкий аккумулятор для умных контактных линз, который можно заряжать слезами

This new battery can be charged using the conventional wired or chemical method. The battery is coated with glucose, and when it is immersed in a saline solution, the glucose reacts with sodium and chloride ions to charge it. After eight hours of chemical charging, the battery can reach 80% of its full capacity. It can then be used for a couple of hours during the day.

However, there is another unusual way to power the battery. For this you can use ordinary human tears.

“Tear solution also contains glucose. This means that when you wear contact lenses, your tears can also charge the battery. If you cry more, you can charge your battery more,” — Lee said.

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Currently, the battery capacity and voltage are still very low. With the two methods, the battery can only produce a voltage of approximately 0.3-0.6V. The standard voltage for one AA battery is 1.5V.

Ученые разработали ультратонкий аккумулятор для умных контактных линз, который можно заряжать слезами

At this stage, this power is not enough to power data storage or connect to the Internet, but the team is working on developing battery performance.

The contact lenses themselves are extremely thin, 0.5mm, so the size and flexibility of these batteries are key to preventing wearer discomfort.

“Our battery is about 0.2mm thick, which is about twice the thickness of a human hair,” Li said.

He believes that once commercial production of such batteries is launched, their price will be only a few dollars.

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Ученые разработали ультратонкий аккумулятор для умных контактных линз, который можно заряжать слезами

Ученые разработали ультратонкий аккумулятор для умных контактных линз, который можно заряжать слезами

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