Joe Biden's fake voice called New Hampshire Democrats to skip primary elections

by alex

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Фэйковый голос Джо Байдена позвонил демократам Нью-Гэмпшира — с требованием пропустить первичные выборы

Фэйковый голос Джо Байдена позвонил демократам Нью-Гэмпшира — с требованием пропустить первичные выборы

The New Hampshire Attorney General's Office is investigating calls in which unknown persons used artificial a generated version of the US President's vote to force Democrats to avoid voting in the January 23 presidential primaries.

“Although the voice in the robocall sounded like President Biden's, the message appeared to be generated artificially based on initial indications,” the office said in a statement (via Ars Technica). “The recorded message appears to be an illegal attempt to disrupt the New Hampshire presidential primary and suppress New Hampshire voters.”

Biden's voice sounds a little strange on the recording, but it may have made some people think the call was real.

“What nonsense,” says the voice. “You know the value of voting Democrat when our votes are counted. It is important that you save your vote for the November election. This Tuesday's vote only helps Republicans elect Donald Trump again. Your vote matters in November, not on this Tuesday.”

A Trump campaign spokesperson told NBC News that they had “nothing to do with it.” Biden's national campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, said the “team is actively discussing additional actions to take immediately.”

Katie Dolan, a spokeswoman for the campaign of Minnesota's Dean Phillips, who is challenging Biden in the Democratic primary, said their team was not involved in creating the deepfake.

It is unknown who is behind the calls, although recipients were falsely shown to be coming from the personal phone number of Kathy Sullivan, head of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. It's also unclear how many people received the call, but Speaker Sullivan says there are at least ten Democrats. At the same time, the Nomorobo program, which is used to combat robocalls, estimates that calls were made between 5,000 and 25,000 times, CNN reports.

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During the New Hampshire primary, voters of both major parties choose the candidate to represent them in that year's general election. Even though Biden's name is not on the New Hampshire primary ballot, there is a “write-in campaign” supporting him in the Democratic primary.

Political experts, meanwhile, are expressing concern that deepfakes could become even more common this election season. Last year, the Republican National Committee used the technology to create videos depicting doomsday scenarios after Biden announced his candidacy for re-election. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also posted fake images of former US President Donald Trump, his political rival, with Dr. Anthony Fauci, a former health official.

The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

Фэйковый голос Джо Байдена позвонил демократам Нью-Гэмпшира — с требованием пропустить первичные выборы

Фэйковый голос Джо Байдена позвонил демократам Нью-Гэмпшира — с требованием пропустить первичные выборы

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