GAC will assemble its machines in Kazakhstan. The decision to assemble the car in Russia has not yet been made

by alex

The GAC takes into account risks due to the political situation

GAC International CEO Wei Haigang announced at a conference for Russian and Central Asian media that the company would launch car assembly in Kazakhstan. As for the assembly of GAC machines in Russia, there are no concrete decisions on this yet: the Chinese company takes into account the risks caused by the political situation.

«We are now looking for a local partner in order to localize the production of our brands and reduce customs duties. The Kazakhstan market is very important for us. After we find partners in Kazakhstan, we are confident that we will beat our competitors due to quality», — told by Wei Haigang.

Recently, more and more automakers are deciding to launch the production of localized cars in Kazakhstan. Thus, Skoda is starting to produce its own cars (of course, not on its own, but with a partner in the form of the Allur plant), and just recently there was talk of signing an agreement between the Kaiyi (Chery) brand and the Orbis Auto group on the full cycle assembly of cars in Kazakhstan.

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