Duster on steroids. First live photos of the 2026 Dacia Bigster crossover

by alex

Bigster will be an affordable crossover

The pre-production Dacia Bigster crossover was filmed live for the first time on public roads. And although the car is camouflaged, the family features cannot be hidden: the production Bigster will be both similar to the 2021 concept of the same name and to the third generation Dacia Duster, presented in November last year.

The Bigster is essentially a longer and wider Duster. The stretched wheelbase and increased rear overhang will allow for a third row of seats, and due to the increased width, passengers will have more elbow room. 

Duster на стероидах. Первые живые фото кроссовера Dacia Bigster 2026

Most likely, the Bigster will not receive the base Duster engine, which produces only 100 hp. So you can count on the default Bigster to be «soft» hybrid (this power plant produces 130 hp). The top version will have a different hybrid powertrain — 140 hp, with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine and two electric motors.    

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Duster на стероидах. Первые живые фото кроссовера Dacia Bigster 2026

Dacia promises that the Bigster will be an affordable crossover, but, naturally, it will be more expensive than the Duster. Estimated cost — 23 thousand euros.

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