Samsung HBM3E memory did not pass Nvidia's selection. The samples failed the qualification tests for some reason

by alex

Exact reasons unknown

Samsung is actively trying to become a significant player in the HBM memory market. However, it is reported that the Korean giant is facing a serious problem as its products did not pass the tests of a potential customer. 

AlphaBiz reports that Samsung's eight-layer HBM3E memory failed Nvidia's qualification tests. The reasons are not known for certain. AlphaBiz reports that a number of sources say that Samsung memory samples are defective, while another says that the issue is not even Samsung. It's just that Hynix, which is one of the leaders in this market, has supposedly set the bar high by introducing a number of production technologies that are very different from Samsung.  

Память Samsung HBM3E не прошла отбор Nvidia. Образцы по какой-то причине провалили квалификационные тесты

However, this does not put an end to Samsung’s memory, or even to Samsung’s potential cooperation with Nvidia. The latter needs huge amounts of HBM memory for its accelerators, and the more suppliers Nvidia can get, the potentially more favorable terms each of them will offer.  

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In addition, we recall that Samsung has already concluded a major deal with AMD for the supply of 12-layer HBM3E memory for Instinct accelerators. 

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