US and Chinese leaders should sign a treaty that would prevent artificial intelligence from controlling nuclear weapons

by alex

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Лидеры США и Китая должны подписать договор, который не даст искусственному интеллекту контролировать ядерное оружие

Лидеры США и Китая должны подписать договор, который не даст искусственному интеллекту контролировать ядерное оружие

US leaders Joe Biden and Chinese leaders Xi Jinping are set to sign an agreement limiting the use of artificial intelligence in nuclear weapons control systems.

They are due to meet on Wednesday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco amid growing tensions between the states, Business Insider reports.

Among the main issues on the agenda is the spread of artificial intelligence in military technologies, sources said. Biden and Xi should reach an agreement limiting the use of AI in autonomous weapons such as drones and in systems used to control and deploy nuclear warheads, it said.

Tensions between the US and China have risen in recent months, with the US military cutting off communication channels with the Chinese military after a spy balloon was shot down off the US coast in February.

The states have also taken opposing sides on Russian aggression in Ukraine, with Xi providing economic and diplomatic support to the Russian president (an international criminal) and the US providing military assistance to the people of Ukraine.

In the war between Israel and Hamas, Beijing has criticized Israel's military campaign in Gaza because the White House supports it. But on Wednesday, Biden and Xi are expected to try to ease tensions, with the use of artificial intelligence in weapons one issue where they have common ground.

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The two countries signed an agreement in February in The Hague on the responsible use of AI in the military, and at a summit in Bletchley Park, UK, in early November, they were among those agreeing to work together to overcome the threat posed by the technology.

The US and China have been trying to integrate AI into their militaries for several years, but there are growing concerns about its use in autonomous weapons systems that can independently select and engage targets.

Oriana Skylar Mastro, a fellow at Stanford University's Institute of International Studies, said in an interview that nuclear weapons systems are currently controlled by humans, “but there is discussion about automating some of these processes.”

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Лидеры США и Китая должны подписать договор, который не даст искусственному интеллекту контролировать ядерное оружие

Лидеры США и Китая должны подписать договор, который не даст искусственному интеллекту контролировать ядерное оружие

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